(The Religious Organization of the Muslims in Bulgaria 1978-2018)

Publishing house of Grand Mufti’s Office published the book of Dr. Ismail Dzhambazov “The Religious Organization of the Muslims in Bulgaria 1978 – 2018”.

In the one-volume book, which is a resume of its two-volume publication in Turkish language, the author addresses topics related to the three periods through which the Muslim institution passes – Bulgarian Kingdom, communist Bulgaria and the years after the democratic changes.

The book addresses in detail the religious leaders of the Muslims in Bulgaria – muftis, problems and difficulties which they faced, as well as mistakes which were done during their management. Furthermore it contains the number of the mufti’s offices in the relevant periods, the staff and their activities in the Religious Denomination.

The book itself is interesting, but it is not enough only to read it. It is necessary to analyze and to learn from the situations in which the Denomination fell, and how the Muslims solved those problems. It is also very important to discover and understand the selflessness and sincerity of the Muslims in the different periods. This can give confidence in the young people who want to do something good and to contribute to the affirmation of the Muslim identity nowadays.

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