National Council of Religious Communities supports the Declaration of Grand Mufti’s Office

National Council of Religious Communities (NCRCB) supports the Declaration of the Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslim Denomination in the Republic of Bulgaria related to the speech of the Member of the Parliament Valeri Simeonov in the National Assembly on 25th of March, 2015. NCRCB opposes any form of usage of hatred speech in our social and political language. Freedom of conscious and faith is a natural, fundamental human right, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Law on the Religious Denominations, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.
NCRCB calls for showing respect to others, for observation of the laws and for preservation of the religious tolerance in our society.

02.04.2015                                                                                                                      NCRCB Board

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