Grand Mufti greeted Patriarch Neophyte on the occasion of his birthday

“It is a great honor for me to offer my and those of all Bulgarian citizens professing Islam, most sincere greetings and best wishes on the occasion of your birthday”, wrote the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi to His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte.

The Grand Mufti wishes His Holiness good health and prosperity in his service as a Head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and all Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria.

“I would like to use the opportunity to greet you on the occasion of your birthday and the positive solution of the case regarding the patriarchal cathedral “St. Alexander Nevsky” and to assure you that we share your joy and we manifest our support and belief that temples belong to God and are built solely for worshipping”, further writes the Grand Mufti.

Grand Mufti’s Office renders its homage to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and hopes that the good relations between the two denominations will continue to develop.

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