Gotse Delchev protest – “Together against Islamophobia, xenophobia and hatred”


Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad organizes peaceful protest march entitled “Together against Islamophobia, xenophobia and hatred” in Gotse Delchev on 27th of February, from 15:00 o’clock in front of the Regional Mufti’s Office.
Reason for the protest are the swastikas and offensive qualifications – “Death to the Turks”, “We hate you”, with which the administrative building of Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad in Gotse Delchev met the morning on 22nd of February, this year.
This is not the first violation towards Muslim centers in Gotse Delchev. Such acts are quite regular and the perpetrators have been caught several times and after that released without having to bear any responsibility. The local Muslim community is disappointed by the fact that the local and the central authorities do nothing to stop these disgraceful and desecrating acts. The inaction of the law enforcement authorities encourages these acts. Such dismissive attitude is a kind of provocation against the local Muslims, which can have unpredictable consequences.
The numerous acts of violation and their recidivism inspired the desire in the local citizens professing Islam to express their disagreement with the situation in a peaceful manner based on Art. 8 of the Law on public gatherings, meetings and demonstrations.
The protest march is as a sign of disagreement with the inaction of the prosecutors, the police and the local authority. It will follow the preliminary announced route from the building of the Regional Mufti’s Office, 3 “Zvancharska” Str., by the Regional Court, the Police station and will finish in front of the Municipal Administration of Gotse Delchev.


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