Mosque in Blagoevgrad was violated on the National holiday

The mosque in Blagoevgrad was violated on March 3, the National holiday of Bulgaria. A lot of offensive notes were written on the walls of the prayer house, and in front of it were thrown pork legs and guts. This is another anti-Muslim act for this year and the affected mosque is not violated for a first time.
Such manifestations of overt hatred and intolerance strongly violate and worry the Muslim community in the country. In order to express their discontent the Muslims from the region organized a week ago a peaceful march entitled “Together against Islamophobia, xenophobia and hatred”.
The permanent provocations of citizens towards Muslim temples and shrines during the recent years undermine the ethno-religious peace in the country and create preconditions for serious and uncontrollable processes in society.
Grand Mufti’s Office calls upon the Muslims not to give a way to the provocations and not to respond with aggression to the aggression, and the local authorities to undertake tough measures towards the perpetrators.

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