Regional Mufti’s Office – Montana held its December meeting with imams


Regional Mufti’s Office – Montana held its working meeting with the imams for the present year, 2019. It took place on December 4 (Wednesday) this year from 10:00 o’clock in “Osman Pazvantoglu” mosque in the town of Vidin, where is also the headquarters of the mufti’s office of Montana region.

The meeting was officially opened with recitation of verses of the Holy Qur’an. As a host of the meeting the Regional Mufti of Montana Nedzhati Ali informed the imams about the agenda.

During the working meeting the imams from the local regional mufti’s office presented their reports on their activities and on the activities of the clerics in the mosques during the past month. There were discussed the offered from the Muslim Denomination opportunities for training and retraining for all candidate-imams and acting imams, and Nedhzati Ali emphasized a lot on this topic. Another issue on which the discussions of the imams were focused during the December meeting in Vidin, was on the remunerations of the Muslim clerics in terms of the activities implemented by them.

The Regional Mufti of Montana informed the participants about the decision of the Supreme Muslim Council to organize at a local level a religious, cultural or educational event on the occasion of the 30 anniversary of the beginning of democracy and the reclaim of the Turkish-Muslim names in Bulgaria. The imams also discussed the need and the benefits of winter religious talks in the mosques, one of which is exactly uniting the community.

The meeting ended with an analysis of the held during the past week national campaign of the Muslim Denomination “Orphans’ Week”.


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