Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi participated in a conference entitled “Brotherhood, Peace and Security”

A conference on “Brotherhood, Peace and Security” was held on February 4 and 5 this year in Zagreb – the capital of Croatia. It was organized by the Mufti’s Office of Croatia with the help of Islamic League and under the auspices of the President of the country Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović. The opening ceremony was attended also by the President of the Republic and the Chairperson of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and by almost all ministers from the Cabinet among whom the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Minister of Culture, the Minister of Justice and others.

The Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi participated in the conference, accompanied by Adnan Dzhambazov – legal adviser at Grand Mufti’s Office. The Grand Mufti delivered a report on “Necessity of Mutual Help between the Religious Institutions and the State”. In his speech he highlighted that every effort should be made to combat terrorism, but under “terrorism” must not be understood only the physical killing of people, but also violation of their moral values. “The first declaration on human rights of citizens with different religions” is from the time of Muhammad (pbuh), who wrote “The Document from Medina”. Through it the rights and the freedoms of all people in Medina were guaranteed regardless of religious or national differences.” –the Grand Mufti also said.

The conference ended with adoption of a resolution stating that the proper understanding of citizenship in a country means to accept the diversity in it, because people are from different ethnicities and have different religions.


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