Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held its working meeting with imams

On 22nd of December, 2014 Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held a meeting with imams from the entire region which was also attended by the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi. The meeting took place in the central mosque of the regional city as a discussion with a main topic: “Vision for the Muslim society development”. After analyzing the current issues related to the Muslim society and the status of the community during the recent years as a priority point in their vision for its development the imams set the getting closer to the people and especially with the young generation in order to be re-habituated in the Islamic values. Amid the increasing trend of fear and uncertainness in the society towards the Muslims and their religion, the reason for which according to the imams is the absence of a dialogue on behalf of the state institutions, it was concluded that it is necessary to provide a platform through which the Bulgarian society could better understand the Muslims.

Regarding the vision for the development of the society the Regional Mufti Nedzhmi Dabov appealed for a constant personal and professional development of the imams, which will contribute also for the rise of the Muslim community, as well as for more opened social and public activity through which the Islamic religion to be presented to the society.

The Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi did not hide his optimism and satisfaction by the fact that most of the imams are young people and advised them to benefit from this circumstance and to be with the young people and their problems, in order to achieve success in their work. He emphasized that the issue related to the dialogue with the institutions is very important and everyone must be active with regard to this, aiming to build trust in the society.

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